Its time to build the next floor on your marble tycoon - The factory floor adds 6 new unique droppers including gears and plinko. Build walls, decoration and more on this exciting new floor!

The new factory floor features 6 new marble runs including the golden marble run featuring Gears, Stam, pipe track and much more! The 6 new marble runs are:
Steal Dropper
Plinko Dropper
Steam Dropper
Pipe Dropper
Gear Dropper
Gold Dropper

To unlock this floor you require 1 rebirth. Each rebirth will give you a upgrader and a floor. Floor 9 in the future requires 2 rebirths etc. You can rebirth your tycoon once you have enough cash and have bought enough droppers on the lab floor.

We have also added a few quality of life changes:
Lowered costs of several buttons on the LAB floor
Added 3 new vip server commands (use f2 to open the command panel)
kick (Allows you to kick people from the server)
teleport (Teleport you to someone or anybody to someone)
bring (Brings anybody to you)
Fixed carious button names
Fixed various minor issues
This update is now live on Roblox and you check it out for completely free right HERE
Thanks for reading! ✌️

Written By: Kosii
Marketing & Art Director